Friday, July 26, 2013

The Data Access Service is either not running or not yet initialized

When launching the Operations Manager or Service Manager console error comes up - 

Failed to connect to Server <ServerName>
The Data Access Service is either not running or not yet initialized.

  • Check that the System Center Data Access Service is Started.

  • Check that the SQL Server is running
  • If the service is running and the error still appears it could also happen because of poor performance of VMs specially in a lab environment where there are limited resources. Wait for a little while and try again. 
  • Check the Operation Manager event log. Look for Event 3334
  • Check the System log for the same time that Event 3334 is recorded in Operations Manager log. There will be another Event 7031. Look for any other events causing this issue. 

  • When the service is running correctly another event 7036 is registered. 

SCOM 2012 RMS Emulator fail over

I wanted to test how to failover the RMS Emulator role in SCOM2012 to another Management Server and how to move the agents to another Management server when the server hosting the RMS Emulator role fails. 

This post describe the test performed in a lab environment along with some screen shots. 

Lets start with 2 Management servers OM1 and OM2. OM1 was the first installed Management Server and by default gets the RMS Emulator role as can be seen below:

The following agents are connected to OM1 

To test the failover, shut down OM1 management server. If AD integration is setup then all agents will failover to OM2 which is the next available Management Server. If AD integration is not setup the agents will have to be either manually or via powershell command be migrated to another management server. However the RMSE role will not automatically fail over to another Management Server.

Adding the RMS Emulator Role to another Management Server
1.       Open Operations Manager Shell on another Management Server which needs to RMS Emulator role added and run the following commands:

  • $MS = get-SCOMManagementServer -Name <FQDN of Management Server>
  • set-SCOMRMSEmulator $MS

Now if you check the Management Servers in the console, OM2 which has been made the RMSE will show RMS Emulator as Yes

Considering AD integration is not set up, the agents which were connected to OM1 will have to be migrated to OM2. 

Right click on an agent and select Change Primary Management Server

Select OM2 from the list and click OK.

This can however become tedious if you have 1000’s of agents to move. 
Below commands will move all agents at once

$MS1 = Get-SCOMManagementServer | ? {$ –eq “<FQDN of primary MS”>}
$agents = Get-SCOMAgent –ManagementServer $MS1
$MS2 = Get-SCOMManagementServer | ? {$ –eq “<FQDN of failover MS”>}

If you want to move individual agents

Set-SCOMParentManagementServer –agent(Get-SCOMAgent –name “<FQDN of Agent>”>) –FailoverServer:$MS2 –PassThru

To move all agents in the array $agents

Set-SCOMParentManagementServer –agent($agents) –FailoverServer:$MS2 -PassThru

If AD integration has been setup then Auto agent assignment can be setup as follows:

  • In the console go to Administration – Managed servers and right click on the server where you want to setup failover and go to properties.

  •       Click Add
  •      On the introduction page click Next
  •      On the domain page select the domain
  •      On the inclusion page, click criteria and next. Click ok
  •      Click next on the exclusion page. 
  •        On the agent failover page you can select automatic or manual failover and exclude any management servers if needed

      Event Viewer:

In the event viewer under Applications and Services Logs look under Operations Manager:

Event 21006 - shows there is a problem with connecting to Primary Management Server

Event 21015 - OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to the agent primary management server.

Event 21017 shows that OpsMgr has successfully failed over to the secondary management server

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Manually installed SCOM agents are not "Remotely Manageable"

In both SCOM 2007 R2 and SCOM 2012, manually installed agents show up as Not Remotely Manageable. This includes agents which are installed via an SCCM package.

When these agents are not Remotely Manageable, the following tasks cannot be performed on them:
1. Change Primary Management Server
2. Repair
3. Uninstall

To get these agents back to being Remotely managed:
1. Login to the SQL server which has the OperationsManager DB
2. Open SQL Server Management Studio
3. Expand databases
4. Select OperationsManager database
5. Click on New Query
6. Copy the following

UPDATE MT_HealthService 
SET IsManuallyInstalled=0 
WHERE IsManuallyInstalled=1

7. Click on Execute

Friday, July 19, 2013

SCOM 2007 R2: Alert - Processing backlogged events taking a long time

At my work place, in SCOM 2007 R2 we had several production servers showing as critical with the alert – Processing Backlogged events taking a long time.

The Monitor transitions to Warning state if Ops Manager is still processing backlogged events after 10 min. Ops Manager processed event ID 25017. If after another 10 min if the backlogged events are still being processed event ID 25018 is logged and transitions to Critical state. These event Ids appeared on some of the servers I checked.

This alert indicates:
1. Computer where the agent is installed may be low on resources. Check the resources on the computer - memory,CPU.
2. The computer is logging several events per minute. Check the event log to see if there is an application or event logging these events.
3. If the health service was stopped on the computer then when it is started, it has to process all the events from the last one it processed.

The alert is available in the System Center Core Monitoring Management Pack as can be seen below:

It appears that the backlog has been processed but the state has not returned to healthy on some servers

The below resolution worked in our environment

1.     On the affected server stop service – System Center Management

2.     Rename folder - C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\Health Service State

3.     Restart service – System Center Management

4.     Check that a new folder for Health Service State is created.

5.     Manually close alert if open.
6.   Check the agent is healthy again otherwise Reset Heath from SCOM console